With this book, Freud went "beyond" the simple pleasure principle, developing his theory of drives with the addition of the death drive (often referred to as Thanatos). Previously, Freud attributed most human behavior to the sexual instinct (Eros or libido). Other consequences of Freud's 1920 paper - namely, the marginalization of ego instincts and the "upgrading" of aggression in the scheme of things - are also addressed.īeyond the Pleasure Principle is a book by Sigmund Freud that marks a major turning point in his theoretical approach. These diverse and rich connotations of the proposal are elucidated in On Freud's "Beyond the Pleasure Principle". The concept also served as a bridge between the quintessentially Western psychoanalysis and the Eastern perspectives on life and death. Politely dismissed by some as a pseudo-biological speculation and rapturously espoused by others as a bold conceptual advance, "death instinct" became a stepping stone to the latter conceptualizations of mind's attacks on itself, negative narcissism, addiction to near-death, and the utter destruction of meaning in some clinical situations.
Pushing aside the primacy of the tension-discharge-gratification model of mental dynamics, this work introduced the notion of a "daemonic force" within all human beings that slowly but insistently seeks psychic inactivity, inertia, and death. We cannot yet decide with certainty for either of these conceptions, but we note that the function so defined would partake of theįreud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle constitutes a major landmark and a real turning point in the evolution of psychoanalytic theory.
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The pleasureprinciple is then a tendency which subserves a certain function-namely, that of rendering the psychic apparatus as a whole free from any excitation, or to keep the amount of excitation constant or as low as possible. Let us distinguish function and tendency more sharply than we have hitherto done. On the contrary, the transformation takes place in the service of the pleasure-principle the binding is an act of preparation, which introduces and secures its sovereignty. During this transformation no attention can be paid to the development of 'pain', but the 80 pleasure-principle is not thereby annulled. We have recognised that one of the earliest and most important functions of the psychic apparatus is to 'bind' the instreaming instinctive excitations, to substitute the 'secondary process' for the 'primary process' dominating them, and to transform their freely mobile energy-charge into a predominantly quiescent (tonic) charge. But all that the pleasureprinciple has not yet acquired power over is not therefore necessarily in opposition to it, and we have not yet solved the problem of determining the relation of the instinctive repetition processes to the domination of the pleasure-principle. This characteristic would communicate itself to every part-instinct and would in that case concern a harking back to a definite point on the path of development. VII If this attempt to reinstate aji DEGREESearlier-condition really is so universal a characteristic of the instincts, we should not find it surprising that so many processes in the psychic life are performed independently of the pleasure-principle.
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